International Gesellschaft für

Toxikologie & Antihomotoxische Therapie E.V.

04 - 18-05-2011

At Asklepieion.

Asklepieion. Asklepieion. Asklepieion.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.

At Platanos Square.

Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates. Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
Re-enactment of the Oath of Hippocrates.
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