THE CAVES of KALYMNOS. Caves with stalactites and stalagmites! The rocky land of Kalymnos island plump for the creation of caves some of which are full of stalagmites and stalactites.New caves were discovered during last years and the already known are developed for easy public access.Following is a small list of Kalymnos island caves: Seven virgins cave: In Pothia (Kalymnos port). Named by the rumor that seven girls were disappeared and died in the cave during their effort to escape from a pirates attack. Saint Barbara's cave: In Pothia (Kalymnos port). Neolithic foundlings. Kafala's Cave: Close to Vothini village. The most visited and easy accessible cave with stalactites and stalagmites. Grande Grotta: Close to Massouri. Turned in to a climbing sector. Skalia Cave: The biggest and the most beautiful cave on Kalymnos island known until now as Skalia cave.Easy accessible but difficult to enter as you have to descent a staircase of about 5 meters high, to reach the first level and another one of about 4 meters high to reach the main room . You must be careful on the wet slippery floor.Not to be visited without someone who has been there already and without the appropriate outfit.It is worth as you will be recouped from the spectacular - huge - amazing formations of stalactites and stalagmites. Located close to the street at about 500 meters before Skalia village.Find the baluster which marks the path to Cave climbing sector on the street and follow the path. Click on image to display large version! Sikati Cave: In Sikati bay. Turned in to a climbing sector. Daskalio Cave: In Rina (Vathi port). Archaeological foundlings. Named by it's use as a "Secret School" during Ottoman and Italian occupancy. Stimenia Cave: Close to Stimenia Vathi. Explored by Dr. Avagianos team in 2006. Amazing stalactite and stalagmite formations.
The rocky land of Kalymnos island plump for the creation of caves some of which are full of stalagmites and stalactites.New caves were discovered during last years and the already known are developed for easy public access.Following is a small list of Kalymnos island caves:
Skalia Cave: The biggest and the most beautiful cave on Kalymnos island known until now as Skalia cave.Easy accessible but difficult to enter as you have to descent a staircase of about 5 meters high, to reach the first level and another one of about 4 meters high to reach the main room . You must be careful on the wet slippery floor.Not to be visited without someone who has been there already and without the appropriate outfit.It is worth as you will be recouped from the spectacular - huge - amazing formations of stalactites and stalagmites. Located close to the street at about 500 meters before Skalia village.Find the baluster which marks the path to Cave climbing sector on the street and follow the path.